Email Template Variables

3 min. readlast update: 02.26.2025



We have revamped and added new capabilities to email templates in Settings->Email! By default, all email templates function as they had prior to this update. In Settings->Email, under the Templates section, you can click Edit next to any template 

you will be brought to a new popup providing you with variable options for customizing your templates. To begin with, you will see that you can customize the Subject and Greeting on the email in addition to the overall message. You will also see that you can insert dynamic variables into your subject, greeting, or message. 


Simply click your cursor where you want to insert a dynamic variable, then open the dynamic variable category you want to work with in the left menu 


and then click the dynamic variable you would like. This will insert custom text for the variable. 


Then on the bottom of the popup you can view a preview of what your email will look like with dummy data filled in for those dynamic variables! Once finished, click save in the popup and future emails will use those new settings. 

Below is a full list of the code to insert for all available variables:

Invoice Date - [**InvoiceDate{M/d/yyyy}**]

Invoice Due Date - [**InvoiceDueDate{M/d/yyyy}**]

Invoice QuickBooks Number (or Recur360 # if no QuickBooks number assigned - [**PrefixedInvoiceNumber**]

Invoice QuickBooks Number[**InvoiceDocNumber**]

Invoice R360 # - [**InvoiceR360Number**]

Invoice Total Amount - [**InvoiceTotalAmt**]

Invoice Balance Due - [**InvoiceBalance**]

Customer Display Name - [**CustomerDisplayName**]

Customer Company Name - [**CustomerCompanyName**]

Customer Account Number (QuickBooks Desktop only) - [**CustomerAccountNumber**]

Customer First Name - [**CustomerFirstName**]

Customer Middle Name - [**CustomerMiddleName**]

Customer Last Name - [**CustomerLastName**]

Recur360 Company Name (from Settings - Email) - [**R360EmailSettingsCompanyName**]

Recur360 Address - [**R360EmailSettingsAddress**]

Recur360 City - [**R360EmailSettingsCity**]

Recur360 State - [**R360EmailSettingsState**]

Recur360 Zipcode - [**R360EmailSettingsZip**]

Recur360 Phone Number - [**R360EmailSettingsPhoneNumber**]

Recur360 Reply To Email Address - [**R360EmailSettingsReplyToEmailAddress**]

Any of the "Date" type variables allow you to change the formatting used in the date to change how the date will be displayed. Use the letter E for the day of week, M for Month, D for Day & Y for year with / or - as separators. Examples of valid date formats are: MM-DD-YY; M/D; YYYY/MM/DD; EEE, M/D/YY). You can see a full list of date options here:

Please note: if anything inside the [] brackets for a variable is edited incorrectly the variable will not display and the broken code text will appear in the email. If you Preview a copy of the email you will see sample results.


Example: if one asterisk was removed from the Invoice date variable - the preview (and any email sent to the customer) will show this: 



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