Late Fees

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Once enabled, all new invoices created by Recur360 or imported from QuickBooks going forward will have a late fee invoice generated for them based on the settings you specify after they become overdue. 


This will happen during the daily transaction push or when you use the 'Push Transactions' option. A new invoice will be created referencing the invoice that generated the late fee.


In the above example invoice number RE-50076 generated this late fee. You can click the text in the Late Fee area that says This Invoice is a Late Fee Invoice for Invoice # RE-50076 to open that invoice.

No action will happen to any invoices that already exist inside of Recur360, but once this feature is enabled, you can click into any invoice and turn on/off late fee generation on an invoice by invoice basis. 


Once enabled the invoice will show this message prior to the late fee invoice being generated


Late fees are only generated once per invoice. To generate a second late fee open the invoice and select the Click here if you would like another late fee invoice to be generated in the Late Fee area of the invoice


You can also turn this feature on/off on a per-customer basis.



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